discovery Tag

[audio mp3=""][/audio] We conclude our e-discovery blog and podcast series with a practical word of caution to the busy individual in litigation—the business owners, their attorneys and anyone else tasked with running a business:  resist over-delegating the task of meeting your company’s e-discovery obligations.  Managing the...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] Today most of the data generated by companies is electronic, and that number grows bigger every year.  With the increase in electronically-stored information or “ESI” has come the importance of a solid e-discovery plan in litigation.  Not only must you and your attorney know...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] In the last several weeks Edwards Law has addressed the ins and outs of electronically-stored information or ESI, including what it is, how to process it, what happens when you don't properly manage it and how to avoid sanctions by using an effective Electronically-Stored...

Last week we discussed the consequences of avoiding the issue of electronically-stored information and failing to discuss the decision with opposing counsel.  The penalties for destruction of ESI or “spoliation” include monetary sanctions, contempt citations, adverse inference jury instructions and dismissal of your claims and/or...

[audio mp3=""][/audio] Last week Edwards Law began a podcasts series on electronic discovery.  In our first podcast we went into the details of processing electronically-stored information, including how to understand electronically-stored information (ESI) processing functions and deciding whether or not to process ESI.  Today we will...


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CO 80202


